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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

REPORT NO. 49: Mr. Ahmad Djauhar - Bisnis Indonesia

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REPORT NO. 48: Mr. John Littleton - Northwest Medical Teams International

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REPORT NO. 47: Eastern Wing Permata Hati Hospital

Monday (26/6), eastern wing of Permata Hati Hospital was officially opened by Secretary of Banda Aceh Hospital Mr. Kamil Yunus on behalf of Banda Aceh Mayor. Bisnis Indonesia's readers donated: Pplyclinics, Radiology, Laboratory, Tsunami Library rooms and Northwest Medical Teams International donated emergency rooms.

Inauguration speeches was delivered by Mr. Ahmad Djauhar (Chief Editor Bisnis Indonesia) and Mr. John Littleton (Operations Manager, NMTI). Posted by Picasa

REPORT NO. 46: Front View - Eastern Wing

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

REPORT NO. 45: Donation for the Poor

Permata Hati Hospital, Banda Aceh committed to help the poor especially tsunami victim in Aceh by providing cost reduction or free of charge services, maximum 20% of its revenue.

April 2006: 15.02 % donation (Rp 9,550,000/Rp 63,575,200)
May 2006: 9.50 % donation (Rp 5,753,000/Rp 60,609,100)

Thank you for your kind support.

REPORT 44: Final Stone - 26 June 2006

On June 26th, 2006, 18 months after tsunami disaster (December 26th, 2004), PHH will fully finish for its reconstruction. Photos was taken on May 2006, eastern wing almost finish (This wing is donated by Bisnis Indonesia Newspaper and Northwest Medical Teams International).

We invite you to join our small party to celebrate its final reconstruction of the PHH on Monday, June 26th, 2006 in Banda Aceh. Thank you for your kind and generous support. Posted by Picasa

REPORT NO. 43: Aceh Helps Yogya

Permata Hati Hospital (PHH) Banda Aceh sent 7 boxes of drugs consist of 180,000 capsules and 720 bottles antibiotics and 12,500 capsules of analgetics for Yogya`s quake victims through Kedaulatan Rakyat (KR) Yogya Newspaper on June 2, 2006. KR Newspaper is one of the donors of PHH after tsunami in Aceh.

Mr. Fariady, New Director of PHH in front of the boxes. Tsunami victims help Earthquake victims! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

High Diarrhea Cases in Subang, West Java

Kompas Newspaper (6/6/06), page 24: High diarrhea cases in Subang, West Java, Indonesia due to poor sanitation, food, lack access to CLEAN WATER. May 2006: 585 cases, mostly in Ciasem Village and Patokbeusi Village. Conserve rain water, provide clean water! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Chrono Order Report: Clean Water - Yogya Quake

1. May 27, 2006, 5.57 AM: Earthquake.
2. May 27, 6.00 AM: Action taken/Coordination & preparation - Bandung (Rector ITB, LAPI ITB, Siliwangi Division West Java Army) - Jakarta (Ministry of Public Works, Indonesian Army) - Yogyakarta (Local clean water authorities).
3. May 28, 10.30 AM: Mobile WTP dispatched from Jakarta.
4. May 28, 1.30 PM: Arrived Bandung - system checking, equipments added: generator set, spare pump, pipes, hose, collaps reservoir 100 m3, water quality testers, etc.
5. May 28, 4.30 PM: Moved to Yogyakarta.
6. May 28, midnight: Arrived Bantul, Yogya, started producing clean water (passed clean water WHO/MoH standard, turbidity: Zero NTU), distributed by 18 trucks, producing 400 m3 clean water, helping 2,000 - 3,000 quake victims.
(Extracted from Mr. Rusnandi Garsadi`s email, LAPI Indowater ITB) Posted by Picasa

Yogya Revival

Kompas Newsletter, June 3, 2006. Governor Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X said that search and rescue phase finished, majority of victims got adequate medical cares, foreign medical aid will be stopped. Now, starting reconstruction and rehabilitation phase. Thanks to all donors of Yogya Earthquake. Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 02, 2006

Clean Water: 2 liter/second - MH 09 - NEW TYPE

Widatra Bhakti helps Yogya

Widatra Bhakti, Infusion Solution Manufacturer, Jakarta, Indonesia, sent infusion solutions and cash -total US$ 200,000 for helping Yogya quake`s victims. Mr. I Wayan Sudanta (President Director, white dress) was received by Minister of Health (Dr. Fadhilah Supari, brown dress) in her office. Posted by Picasa