Ramliah, girl, 14 years old, was successfully operated (cleft lip) by Prof. Sunardi Mangundjaja in Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung on Wednesday, 20 June 2007. Ramliah accompanied from Makassar to Bandung by Mr. Achmad Mochtar & Mrs. Monika Mochtarova (Bonn), Mr. Ikhsan Kenni, Mrs. Dewi (Pare-pare), Mrs. Sutini (Bandung) and her mother.
Drg. Ruslin and Drg. Andi Tajrin (Residents of Oral Surgery Department, Dentistry Faculty, Padjadjaran University Bandung are both from Makassar) prepared everything for Ramliah from first examination, diagnosed, pre-operation preparation, during operation until post-operation management.
I will post Ramliah post-operative picture on my next blog-report.
On Thursday, 21 June 2007, I and Mr. Achmad Mochtar, Mrs. Monika Mochtarova, Mr. Ikhsan Kenni, Mrs. Dewi, Mrs. Sutini and Drg. Tajrin visited Bandung Celft Center and met Prof. Tet Soeparwadi (Chairperson). Prof. Tet explained the activities and marvelous achievements of Bandung Cleft Center. We really amaze with their humanitarian work for decades.
I quote some important points from the
Annual Report 2006:
Yayasan Pembina Penderita Celah Bibir dan Langit-langit (YPPCBL) or Support for Cleft Lip and Palate Patients Foundation is a non-profit social organization that aims mainly to provide services for cleft lip and palate patients with economic disadvantages. Initiated by Prof. drg. Soeria Soemantri, MPH, the foundation was established on June 25, 1979. Today, the foundationis a legal entity, certified under a Notary Act No. 35, issued on June 25, 1979 by Harry Hardjito, Notary Public.
Initially, YPPCBL performed its social activities in Taman Lalu Lintas Ade Irma Suryani (a children playground). In 1984 YPPBCL rented a residential building, 8 Eyckman Street, which then become its secretariat. In 1994 n 1994 YPPCBL owned its own building in Pelesiran Street Bandung. In the new building YPPCBL was able to develop its activities. The building served not only as the foundation’s administration center, but also as a temporary accommodation for inpatients from outside Bandung who were waiting for their surgery or were under post operative treatment.
In early 2006, with a donation from the Japanese Government, YPPCBL began the construction of Cleft Center Building on 1 Sekeloa Selatan Street, Bandung. Padjadjaran University Bandung, especially the Faculty of Dentistry, also supported the project by providing a 275 m2 land area for the building. With a new Cleft Center Building, officially opened on May 26, 2007, YPPCBL is expected to be more committed to improving its service network to more Indonesian people, especially those with economic disadvantages.
In general, it is impossible for YPPCBL TO run its activities and missions without consistent help from its management board, staff, and donors.
Board of Management
Chairperson: Prof. drg. Tet Soeparwadi, SpBM
Vice Chairperson I: drg. Ida Ayu Astuti, SpBM
Vice Chairperson II: Prof. DR. Eky S. Soeria Soemantri, drg, SpOrt.
Medical Activities 2006In 2006, YPPCBL received cleft lip and palate surgery requests from 1,033 economically disadvantaged patients, of whom 974 were new patients and 59 were second-surgery patients. Of the total number patients, 1,015 have undergone surgery, while 18 patients did not continue their treatment due to various reasons.
The surgeries that have been performed in social service events outside Bandung are in Tulang Bawang, Tarutung, Mataram, Karangasem, Malang, Bondowoso, Pandeglang, Balige, Bogor, Tasikmalaya, Makassar, Ketapang, Kuningan.
The types of surgeries performed are: Cleft palate (270), cleft lip (768), lip reconstruction(12), palate reconstruction (8), gnathic reconstruction (2), facial cleft (2), bonegraft (4), cheiloplasty (1), nose reconstruction (1).
From 1979 to 2006 YPPCBL has helped 8,454 patients.
RENA Foundation
Smile Train, US
Japanese Government
Help Indonesia Children
Rotary Club of Jakarta Metropolitan
PT Gajah Tunggal, Tbk
1. Increase the number of patients treated
2. Organize social charity events in a number of regions in West Java: Tasikmalaya, Serang, Sukabumi, Cilacap, Bogor and Serang.
3. Organize social charity events in a number of regions outside West Java: Mataram, Sintang, Medan, Bondowoso, Ambon, Situbondo, Sumenep, Batu, Pare-pare and Kupang.
4. Provide more surgical equipment for Cleft Center
5. Provide counseling and organize dissemination on cleft lip and palate treatment and prevention.
6. Improve the quality of its oral surgery specialists.
If you or your organization/network would like to support, please contact:
Yayasan Pembina Penderita Celah Bibir dan Langit-Langit (YPPCBL)
Indonesian Cleft Lip & Palate Foundation
Gedung Cleft Center
Komp. FKG Unpad
Jalan Sekeloa Selatan No. 1, Bandung 40132- Indonesia
Phone: +62 22 2533081, +62 22 70704696
Fax: +62 22 2533081
Account Number: 024-01-31428-006 Niaga Bank