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Sunday, February 11, 2007

CV Format for WHI, apllicants please follow it (1)

CV Format for WHI, applicants please follow it (2)

NCLEX-RN Preparation in Bandung

World Health for Indonesia (WHI) offers NCLEX-RN preparation and English skill improvement for nurses (fresh graduate, experience, final grade of AKPER or S1 Nursing). 5-6 MONTHS. 4 days in a week (morning or noon). Affordable price.

Send your CV by email to: kadar@bdg.centrin.net.id or by post: WHI, Jalan Dr. Setiabudi No. 369A, Bandung.

Qatar, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Jordan, UK, Japan, USA

Nurse with 2 years experience in hospital, fluent English, pass WHI test (interviewed will be done in Bandung).

Send your CV by email to: kadar@bdg.centrin.net.id or by post: WHI, Jalan Dr. Setiabudi No. 369A, Bandung.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Clean Water for Jakarta Flood Victims

Kompas Newspaper (2/9): PB IDI (Indonesian Medical Association) and LAPI ITB (Institute Technology of Bandung) produced and distributed clean water for 12,000 people/day from 2 mobile units of WTP Micro-hydraulics, since Monday, Feb 5, 2007. Thank you for your kind support.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Molecular Diagnostic – Short Course, Bandung, 8-10 March 2007

Further information:

School of Pharmacy ITB
Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Labtek VIII Building
Phone: +62 22 70733216
Fax: +62 22 2534125
Email: h_rachmawati@fa.itb.ac.id
Website: http://shortcourse.cabanova.com

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Austin Hospital, Melbourne

Dr. Dahril, urologist from Syiah Kuala Medical School, Aceh is working in Austin Hospital, Melbourne for 3 months. We hope that with his new knowledge and skill will develop Urology Department in Aceh and increase the quality of patients care.

Mobile Water Treatment Plants Help Jakarta Flood Victims

Institute Technology of Bandung (ITB) and Indonesian Medical Association and other organizations help Jakarta flood victims by sending mobile water treatment plant, capacity 400,000 liters potable water/day since Monday, February 5, 2007. Produced from high pollutant/turbidity river water, this technology was invented by LAPI ITB (Patent pending No. P00200600645).

Further information, please contact: kadar@bdg.centrin.net.id

Sunday, February 04, 2007


What to do?

Household level:
* Collect rain water in your housing-area and pour into a simple dug well (conserve your rain water and use it in dry season/rain water harvesting).
* Minimum, plant two trees for every person --wherever you find a piece of land around your vicinity.
* Composting your garbage and try to apply a zero waste habits, it will prevent a clogging in drainage system.

Government should do their jobs:
* Maintain/build lakes, rivers, canals, dam
* Establish an aquifer storage and recovery system
* Expand rain water catching area/more open spaces
* Plant millions of trees
* A good garbage/disposal management
* Reclamation

Friday, February 02, 2007


* AKPER graduate (Indonesian Nursing Academy)
* Two (2) years experience in big hospital (Minimum Class C hospital)
* Fluent in English (Minimum TOEFL 500)
* Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in Bandung.

Please send your CV and recent photograph to:
email: kadar@bdg.centrin.net.id
postal service: World Health for Indonesia (WHI), Jl. Setiabudi No. 369A, Bandung. Phone: 022-2002239, Fax: 022-2018493

If you don’t fulfill the requirements, WHI offers 5 months course for NCLEX-RN preparation combined with English skill or 4 months course for Nurse Assistant.