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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Asyamsi Foundation, Banda Aceh

I visited Banda Aceh on 6-8 May 2007 and discussed with Dr. Iqbal (ENT doctor, Audiologist) regarding the progress of Asyamsi Foundation. I support the Asyamsi Foundation (Chairman: Dr. Iqbal) that will be dedicated for deaf/hearing loss children in Aceh.
The small building (2 stories) is under construction, estimated June 2007, the ground floor will finish and start operation.
The Asyamsi Foundation gets an assistance from Yayasan Suryakanti, Bandung (Prof. Anna Alisjahbana and Dr. Siegrun von Loh).

Delivery House for Free, Bandung

The RBC (Rumah Bersalin Cuma-cuma) or Delivery House for Free serves the poorest of the poor. Women in Bandung who do not have access to the Government' s health insurance for the poor people (ASKESKIN) due to they are illegal residence, have no ID, homeless, etc.
January - March 2007, the RBC serves 2,863 antenatal cares, 2,497 immunization, 1,224 family planning services, 463 deliveries from 578 registered women.
The RBC is operated by Dompet Dhuafa (The Poor Purse) organization, Bandung, Indonesia.
For your donation and further information please contact: info@ddbandung.or.id