Ayo Gabung!

AYO GABUNG: Dokter_Mandiri_Sejahtera

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Farmers Feed the World

MI Students (Grade 1 -2 , Elementary School) in front their scallions pot. Tabrik, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Studio mungil radioidi (audio streaming, www.radioidi.org) akan memulai siaran percobaannya selama 2-3 bulan ke depan. Doakan berjalan lancar.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Elementary School Accreditation

Elementary School/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah AIM Foundation, Puteran, Tasikmalaya passed accreditation standard and received Accreditation Letter from Tasikmalaya Education Authority on this month (November 2011). Congratulation!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

AIM Foundation

My late mother and father have given us humanitarian heirs, in Tasikmalaya, West Java, 300 km southern of Jakarta, my parent has built for villagers: kindergarten, elementary school, secondary school, trainings for women,  clean water facility from spring water, mosque, all expenses was spent by their own money for many years. Our kindergarten is one of the best kindergarten in Eastern Region of West Java.

I and my brothers/sisters will continue their social work and expand when possible. Our immediate plan is to build the new 4 classrooms and start vocational trainings (food, cosmetics, electronics, etc). To speed up the process, we are willing to match dollar to dollar for benevolent organization/individuals who want to help us. We welcome any organization/individuals to  work together.

The name of our registered foundation is “AIM Foundation” stands for “ Amal=Charity, Ikhlas=Sincere, Mandiri=Independent”.

Dr. Kadarsyah
Chairman of AIM Foundation


AIM Foundation has flourished: kindergarten, elementary school, secondary school, trainings for women, clean water, mosque for villagers in Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia

Monday, September 05, 2011

Two Children Education Projects

  1. Banda Aceh, Aceh Province, Indonesia: Permata Hati School Health Program
  2. Tabrik Village, Tasikmalaya, West Java Province, Indonesia: Yayasan Amal Ikhlas Mandiri. Education: Kindergarten, elementary, secondary school.

Two Children Education Projects

I support two children education projects in two areas:
  1. Banda Aceh, Aceh Province, Indonesia: Permata Hati School Health Program, plan to cooperate with Korea Association of Helath Promotion www.kahp.or.kr
  2. Tasikmalaya, West Java Province, Indonesia: My father has established our family humanitarian foundation (not-for-profit) in a small village: Tabrik Village, Tasikmalaya, West Java. Nowaday, we have kindergarten, elementary school and secondary school and plan to continuously support higher quality education for village children. And also run informal eduction for women, school farming, built clean water facility. Our kindergarten was awarded as one of the best in its region (East Priangan Sub-province). The name of the foundation is Yayasan Amal Ikhlas Mandiri, literally means: "Work with passion and self-help".
Need more information please contact: kadar@bdg.centrin.net.id

Permata Hati School Health Program (PHsHP)

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Clean Village

Pupils of the Islamic Elementary School in Tabrik Village, Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia everyday clean all waste/garbage in school surroundings. It is one form of their education program. The motto is "a cleanliness is a part of the faith"

Permata Hati School Health Program, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Permata Hati School Health Program (PHSHP) will focus in Banda Aceh, capital of Aceh Province, Indonesia, for Grade 1, Elementary School pupils (97 schools, pupils 3,300), the project will last 6 year-time. The school health program in Indonesia is very important for preparing the best next generation but neglected due to lack of interest and fund. PHSPH will take initiative to implement this program.

Goals of the project are:
  1.  Establish medical records/database of health status in Grade 1, elementary schools in Banda Aceh through health screening (DATABASE)
  2. Follow-up the health condition in 6 year-time by regular health checking (HEALTH MAINTENANCE)
  3. Promote healthy life style in school children by educating the pupils (HEALTH IMPROVEMENT/PROMOTION)
  4. Establish infrastructure & manpower (CAPACITY BUILDING)
  5. Show the benefit to government & people  so they can adapt this system (SHOWCASE/MODEL)
We have opportunity to cooperate with Korea Association of Health Promotion (KAHP), since the KAHP has a huge expertise, knowledge, experience in this project.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Manifesto "Partai Melarat"

Hari lebaran ini, 30 Agustus 2011, kami manusia Indonesia yang bebas dan merdeka tanpa memandang agama resmi/tidak resmi, sempalan, kepercayaan, ras, bangsa, suku, aliran politik, kepartaian, laki, perempuan, waria, buruh, tani, nelayan, guru, mahasiswa, siswa dan semua golongan/kategori masyarakat setuju untuk:
1. Berjuang sekuat tenaga membasmi/mengenyahkan "kemelaratan" dari bumi Indonesia. (BASMI MELARAT)
2. Berjuang tanpa kekerasan. (TANPA KEKERASAN)
3. Hidup bersih pribadi, jiwa, raga, anti-sampah. (HISUP BERSIH)
4. Hidup bersahaja, tidak mubazir, anti-rokok. (HIDUP BERSAHAJA)
5. Tidak akan melaksanakan sogok-menyogok, memberi sogokan, menerima sogokan, korupsi, kolusi, nepotisme. (ANTI KKN)
Bagi yang akan mendaptar jadi anggota Partai Melarat, tidak perlu kaos, banner, iuran, cukup forward Manifesto ini saja ke teman2. Gerakan moral ini tidak akan berdampak apa2, tapi ya kita kerjain saja daripada tidak berbuat apa2.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Soto Betawi JAWARA --- FROZEN !!! BEKU !!!

  • Pembuatan rumahan (HOME MADE), segera dibekukan setelah pembuatan
  • Ideal untuk yang sibuk, untuk arisan, pertemuan keluarga, ulang tahun
  • Bahan baku terpilih, higienis, tanpa pengawet, tahan lama dalam kondisi beku, tidak berubah rasa, tetap SEDAAAAAP
  • Berat daging masak 60 gram/pak
  • Minimum order 20 pak
  • Wilayah kota Bandung
  • Hubungi: 0878 2307 1331

Thursday, January 27, 2011

New!!! Website Hotel Sepuluh, Bandung


Your friendly-family hotel in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hotel Sepuluh Bandung - a friendly family hotel

Jl. Pelajar Pejuang 45 No. 89 (Lingkar Selatan), Bandung 40264, Indonesia
Reservasi: tel +62-22-7303097 fax +62-22-7305187
A (alamanda) Rp 235.000
B (bougenville) Rp 215.000
C (chrysanthenum) Rp 195.000
Extrabed Rp 85.000
A (alamanda) Rp 265.000
B (bougenville) Rp 235.000
C (chrysanthenum) Rp 225.000
Extrabed Rp 95.000
*Harga sewaktu waktu dapat berubah
Car rental