Ayo Gabung!

AYO GABUNG: Dokter_Mandiri_Sejahtera

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cikawung Spring Water

In July 2008, we revitalized and protected Cikawung Spring Water in Tabrik, Puteran Village, Pagerageung, Tasikmalaya. Estimated debit 0.3 liter/second for drinking water around 100 household in the village.

We built sand filter chamber and 7 m3 water reservoir to be distributed to villagers.

Self-reliant is the key, no need government money and support, people knows best.

Steps of community development:

  1. Self-reliance mentality
  2. Stop smoking and collect smoking money for their community activities.
  3. Find clean water and distribute
  4. Conserve the water source by planting the village with Jatropha curcas (physic nut, jarak pagar) and produce CJO for household need and soaps for hand washing to reduce water-borne diseases.
  5. Establish village cooperative group for clean water and energy
  6. Leverage village economic
  7. Invest for kids education

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