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AYO GABUNG: Dokter_Mandiri_Sejahtera

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Sunday, April 09, 2006

REPORT NO. 36: Permata Hati Hospital`s support for the poor

Since its reopening on 25 June 2005 (6 month after tsunami disaster 24 December 2004), PHH implemented the policy for helping the poor people by giving discounted prices or free of charge. Maximum target is 20% from its revenue for the poor people, considering hospital financial condition and will be reached step by step.

January 2006: Total patients: 389 – Revenue Rp 39,112,700 – Donation Rp 2,515,000 (6.4%)
February 2006: Total patients: 324 – Revenue Rp 41,519,550 – Donation Rp 1,274,000 (3.1%)
March 2006: Total patients: 447 – Revenue Rp 57,519,900 – Donation Rp 1,609,000 (2.8%)

1 comment:

Siswanto Muhtasor Muhammad said...

Salam Kenal,

Dok, aku pasang link BLOG-nya di Blog saya ya...

Moga kita bisa berbagi dalam informasi dan bisa menjadi sahabat,


Siswanto M. Muhammad