Ayo Gabung!

AYO GABUNG: Dokter_Mandiri_Sejahtera

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

International Seminar on Pharmaceutics, Oct 31 & Nov 1, 2007

Day 1, October 1, 2007
1. Aerosol as synthetic skin delivery for wound and burn 2. The state of the art of pharmaceutical biotechnology 3. Quorum sensing: a new framework for pharmacist 4. Nanocrystals for the delivery of poorly soluble drugs: present state and upcoming developments 5. The development of antimalarial drug 6. Improvement of therapeutic proteins 7. Future biopharmacy - associated quality requirements and the problems encountered by Indonesia pharmaceutical industries.
Day 2, November, 2007
1. Biological pharmacy 2. Curcumin prevents the metastasis of orthotopically implanted tumor cells 3. The state of the art of pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia and Asia 4. Understanding variability in response to medicines: an old story 5. Targeted drug delivery to unlammed microvascular endothelial cells 6. Nanomedicine: Nanoparticles of biodegradable plymers for new concept chemotherapy.
Further info:

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